Infinity Ward Update on PS3 Call of Duty 4 Matchmaking

12 11 2007

Infinity Ward has posted the following update on their official forums.

“Wanted to keep you informed with the information we’re getting back from the server team. They have made some updates which they feel should resolve the connection problems. If you are still experiencing issues, please provide us with as much important network information as you can, for example:

Your ISP
What’s your Router
NAT level

As much info as you can provide, so we make sure everyone is taken care of.

As always, please let us know if you are still experiencing problems so we can keep the server team on it for you.

A patch isn’t required, this issue is unrelated to the game’s code. It’s a Networking issue with the servers being slammed by the amount of people playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

The only real issue is that the servers we’re getting hit really hard, especially with the launch in Europe doubling that traffic, just something that requires optimizing on the server side and we’ve been working with the PSN COD4 Server team from the moment it started having issues assisting any way we can to help them get them up to speed faster.

Thanks for all the patience everyone, and this will not be a long term problem and as I said is merely server downtime issues.”


Creating your own PS3 themes

8 11 2007

Here is a step by step instruction on how to create your own customized theme in a PS3 version 2.00

 Click here for the tutorial

Build your own High-Def Projector

31 10 2007

Are you planning to buy a HD projector?
Well, here is way for you to build your own HD projector at a cost of around $750!

Here is a 6 part tutorial on how to build your very own Home Made DB Projector!

Credits: Engadget

10 e-mail habits that waste time and cause problems

31 10 2007

Available as a download: 

Overview: Few communications tools give you as much exposure as e-mail. Unfortunately, mistakes in your e-mail will receive that same exposure. Calvin Sun cites 10 common e-mail habits and missteps that annoy him (and maybe you as well) and explains what you can do differently.

This download is also available as part one and part two of Calvin’s blog series.

(Is this item miscategorized? Does it need more tags? Let us know.)

Format: PDF | Size: 84KB | Date: Jun 2007 | Version: 1.0 | System Requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later | License: copyright | Downloads: 29382

Credits: TechRepublic

Xbox LIVE Account Sharing and Gamesave Tampering (Don’t Do It!)

31 10 2007

Don’t share your account information.  If you run into that person in Halo 3 who claims if they could have your LIVE ID name and password to recover your Xbox LIVE account to their Xbox and they’ll rank you up or find you all the hidden skulls in Halo 3, I urge you not to fall to temptation. While it may be appealing, in addition to violating the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use it can also result in you permanently losing your account. If that ‘friend’ of yours decides not return your account and buys a bunch of Arcade titles and movies on your account, there is nothing we can do except cancel the account since you willingly shared your information.Cancelled.

As in you can never get it back.

In addition to losing your Gamertag, you’ll also lose your Gamerscore, saved games and any points you have on the account.

While I am on the subject of things you should not do, I strongly urge you not to tamper with your Gamerscore and Achievements. If you decide to employ some nefarious techniques to artificially increase your Gamerscore or obtain achievements by manipulating the Xbox software without playing the game, bad things will happen. What type of bad things?  For one thing we may remove the entire Gamerscore for an account that contains manipulated gamerscore. Let me be more clear: If you use tampered gamesaves to boost your Achievements and Gamerscore, you may sign in to Xbox LIVE one day and discover that we have removed your Gamerscore. Once we do that, you will never be able to re-earn those achievements on that account. Even worse, you might have your account and/or console banned from Xbox Live.

As you can imagine, we know how to find out if you do this and we do take action. And we’ll continue to do so.

The best way to increase your Gamerscore or gain that Achievement is to earn it like a real gamer; play the game. Then you can rightly be proud of your Gamerscore as you earned it yourself and not have to worry about anything.  I imagine that the majority of you earn your Gamerscore honorably, but I know there are some people out there are may not be as honest.  In short: Don’t do it. It’s not worth it.

Digital Photography : Lighting

30 10 2007

Let There Be Light

Natural light sources like the sun and the moon are considered the best light sources. These lights often invade indoors and make natural shots come alive. Men have created artificial lights like the ordinary bulb, the tungsten halogen lamp or the bright photoflood.

There are various types of lighting, the photographer can employ. The most common is the Directional lighting provided by flash, tungsten or several sources and can be used from the front, back or side.

Front Lighting

Front lighting is the most in vogue but it reveals every detail. The light is at the back of the photographer beaming at the face of the subject highlighting every detail. This often results in an unexciting and flat look of your subjects. Another technique is to mystify your subject by lighting up from side. The main illumination from side adds interest and vigor with presence of dark shadows.

Back Lighting

In Back lighting the source light remains in the rear of the subject shining in the face of the camera. So, you must be very careful while using this mode otherwise the subject will appear like a silhouette. The main advantage here is, you will be able to capture the natural expressions of your subject in an outdoor shoot, as he will not squint facing bright light.

Cross Lighting

You can employ cross lighting where strong directional light comes from both sides. But this method is only suitable for studios with bright flash or tungsten lights.

Lighting For Digital Photography

Digital cameras may offer a wide range of easy lighting modes but there are challenges for the artist in his path to perfection. You must adopt the trial and error method and acquire the knowledge of lighting. Most digital cameras have preset digital photography lighting modes or ‘scenes’ for different lighting situation. There is the indoor mode to click without flash, which is particularly useful in art galleries or museums, the night and portrait mode allows you to take pictures of your subject with a gleaming backdrop at night using a slower shutter speed. The digital cameras provide an automatic setting for white balancing .You can determine the baseline white in your image against which, other colors will be rendered. Your camera may have a histogram to evaluate exposure in different digital photography conditions. Most cameras have various options like daylight, cloudy, tungsten and more.

What Is Auxillary Lighting?

If you want to create art using light and shadow, the Flash unit alone is not enough. Here, auxiliary lighting comes in. If you decide to shoot portraits or product shots in a studio then auxiliary lighting is not optional but necessary. For great results use head and kicker lights. Flashlights do not generate heat like floods and spots, so are more suited for portraits. Make sure the flash suits your digital camera. If you want to shoot still shots or product shots, continuous tungsten light is the cheapest and best. A range of wattage bulbs and reflectors will help you control the intensity and direction of light too. If you don’t have money you can rent lights. Top studios have various assortments of flash units, flood and spotlights.

How To Use Light

Light is made up of all colors. If seen through a prism it bursts into different colors. You are free to experiment with the rainbow. Artificial lights have their own characteristics. The photographer can utilize different light sources. You can alter white setting for a different effect. Most digital cameras have color setting modes to achieve accuracy of the colors. Direction of light is important in digital photography. People look best in diffused sidelights and backlight produces a halo effect while overhead lighting produces sharp contrast of light and shadows. Strength of light is also an essential factor. You can have placid effect from diffused lighting and sharpness from strong light. Indoor lighting gives you ample scope to shoot nice pictures. You can assemble light as per your choice and can even harness sunlight when it enters your house to soften your image. Outdoor shots are more challenging. It leaves you at the mercy of Mother Nature. While landscape looks good in soft light, the wildlife is captivating with fine details in bright light. So photographers try to capture wildlife just before dusk or before dawn. In digital cameras, you do not need to worry about ISO film speed. Most digital cameras have preset ISO setting. However, experimentation is the perfect way to curb imperfection. So inflame your imagination and hone your skill. You are ready to enter the luminous empire of photography.